Broadway Terrace
Title page spread.
Colophon, left. Table of contents, right.
This book focuses a street in Oakland, CA near the Oakland California College of the Arts campus. This street goes uphill a bit and it houses a quiet neighborhood. There is not a lot going on. It has little to show.
That is, if you don’t look closely. It’s a beautiful street with many different elements of nature. Perfect for a nice, slow stroll on a sunny day. This book focuses on these little elements that you would not notice if you were just rushing up or down the street.
Accompanied by these elements are short story excerpts that I wrote. They focus on the emotion or thought that each photo brings about. As the street was full of small elements of nature, the colors of them really popped out to me, so that is a primary focus in this book. It divides itself up by the colors I found on that street with definitions of what each color represents.
Chapter section design. Shows a zoomed in preview of each flower showcased in the chapter.
Photo Credit: Karin Mynt
As a digital aspect to this book, the following website clickthrough was made.
It contains all the content from the book from pictures to stories to color swatches. This was an experiment to see how the physicality of a book could be translated digitally.